• Call for papers: Ethnographies of Biomedicine in Post-Socialist Europe, Bucharest, June 2012 by Jennifer Carroll

    Updated: 2012-01-23 06:41:18
     Health In Transition: Ethnographies Of Bio-Medicine In Post-Socialist Europe Call for Papers 7-8 June 2012 Kindly hosted by: Romanian Academy of Sciences, Bucharest, Romania www.hitconference.org With notable exceptions, the topics of health and medicine in post-socialist Europe have received limited anthropological attention compared to research on both the global ‘North’ and ‘South’.  Implicitly, medical anthropological research from academic institutions …

  • Halil: Language of flowers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Updated: 2012-01-21 10:23:22

  • How the Society for Cultural Anthropology is Speaking Out About the Research Works Act #RWA

    Updated: 2012-01-21 03:58:59
    In a recent post, I posed the question that many scholars are asking of the scholarly societies to which they belong and of the publishers with whom they work. The question concerns the stance taken by such societies and publishers with respect to the Research Works Act (H.R. 3699). The American Association of Publishers supports [...]

  • Thank You!

    Updated: 2012-01-19 11:40:10
    antropologi.info social and cultural anthropology in the news Blogroll Nordisk auf Deutsch Journals Bulletin Board Search Guestbook Contact 19 01 12 12:40:10, by Lorenz Categories : internal notes Thank You Antropologi.info was recently voted as one of the best anthropology blogs Jason Antrosio , editor of Living Anthropologically and Anthropology Report asked his readers to pick their three favorites among 120 anthropology blogs . I’m especially happy about the result as I haven’t told anybody about the survey and I don’t use facebook og twitter to promote” this blog . And his list included also several popular blogs within physical biological anthropology and archaeology . So , thanks a lot to everybody who voted for antropologi.info It has been quite quiet recently here on

  • The American Folklore Society Expresses Support for Public Access to Federally Funded Peer-Reviewed Research #RWA @whitehouseostp

    Updated: 2012-01-19 03:23:32
    Bad news abounds, but from the good news file comes today’s release of a letter sent by the President of the American Folklore Society, Diane Goldstein, on behalf of the society. (Diane is also my colleague here at Indiana University). The letter was a response to the recent Request for Information issued by the Office [...]

  • Joining the SOPA Blackout

    Updated: 2012-01-18 00:58:07
    The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA H.R. 3261), the Protect IP Act (PIPA S. 968) and the Research Works Act (H.R. 3699) are terrible proposed laws that, if enacted, will greatly harm the public interest. If I can make things work, Shreds and Patches will be offline tomorrow (1/18) as part of the wider SOPA [...]

  • Any Other Naked Woman

    Updated: 2012-01-13 04:17:02
    Dominique Strauss-Kahn’s lawyer, Henri Leclerc: At these parties, people were not necessarily dressed, and I defy you to tell the difference between a naked prostitute and any other naked woman. Gayle Rubin, in her famous essay “The Traffic in Women” Marx once asked: “What is a Negro slave? A man of the black race. The [...]

  • Does the AAA Support or Oppose the Research Works Act? @AmericanAnthro

    Updated: 2012-01-13 03:00:23
    As Richard Poynder has reported, and as has been repeatedly retweeted, MIT Press (a distinguished university press publisher of important books and journals), ITHAKA (the organization behind JSTOR, among other core projects and resources), and Penn State University Press (another distinguished university press) are among the first members of the Association of American Publishers to [...]

  • Three Cheers for the Librarians–Lets Help Them Help Us

    Updated: 2012-01-11 16:14:10
    Three cheers for the librarians who look after us, whether we know it or not. As a student, teacher, researcher, and citizen I work with a wide range of information resources everyday. Whether I step into a library building or not, a large proportion of those resources are available to me because librarians work to [...]

  • Thanks!

    Updated: 2012-01-09 19:34:31
    Just writing to send two quick thanks out to the anthropological blogosphere. First, on behalf of myself and all the other Minds here at SM I wanted to say thanks to all our readers for voting us their favorite anthropology blog for 2011. I understand that 75 votes may not be a totally representative sample [...]

  • Association of American Publishers Issues Horrible New Press Release in Support of a Horrible Bill: Where Do You Stand?

    Updated: 2012-01-05 03:38:14
    The Association of American Publishers has issued a awful new press release expressing enthusiasm for the Research Works Act, H.R. 3699 describing it as “significant legislation that will help reinforce America’s leadership in scholarly and scientific publishing in the public interest and in the critical peer-review system that safeguards the quality of such research.” This [...]

  • Time to Apply to Participate in the Summer Institute in Museum Anthropology

    Updated: 2012-01-04 14:32:14
    Happy New Year! With the new year comes the season in which thoughts turn towards summer plans. A great summer program for graduate students interested in material culture studies is the Summer Institute in Museum Anthropology (SIMA). Held at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of Natural History and funded by the [U.S.] National Science Foundation, [...]

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